Conference Branding
Roots to Fruit was an international conference that took place in May 2021. The goal of the conference was to bring staff together to celebrate and commemorate the last decade. The theme was “Roots to Fruit”, encouraging staff to remain rooted in their individual faiths and let their faith be the base of their work.
The Roots to Fruit Conference was scheduled for March 2020, and postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19. In December 2020, we picked up these graphics again and began adapting them for the Roots to Fruit Conference 2021. The event audience shifted from 150 in-person team leaders to 400 virtual staff members of all levels.
Emma Stothers
Andrew Lang
Ann Lang
Brigette Massey
Sarah Wontorcik
Visual Designer
Marketing Team Lead
Pre-recorded content technician (during event)
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Printed conference collateral for in-person event
The Graphics
It was a creative challenge to come up with a logo that incorporated and emphasized both the roots and the fruit of a plant. The resulting graphics display an orange slice as the roots to an orange tree, with the title of the conference in both English and Arabic overlaid on the tree. The orange slice, fruits, branches, and leaves were isolated and sprinkled throughout the conference materials.
When the event became a virtual conference, my team began looking for ways to foster interaction and a sense of community between the attendees. We invested in a conference platform on Attendify, and created graphics and tutorials to welcome people with all levels of tech experience. The end result was a place for attendees to comment, share ideas, and ask questions while attending the conference from the safety of their homes.
Virtual conference platform